TRANSFORMATION PRESSURE & DIVINE DESIRES: What does your soul want? New Moon in 9° Scorpio 35’ on 1st November at 1:47 pm CET

New Moon in Scorpio 2024: transformation, desires and letting go

During Libra season and the Aries full moon, we gained more clarity about our needs, strengthened our self and brought a new balance to our relationships.

In the yin and water energy of Scorpio, we dive deeper, turn inwards and perceive energies more clearly. The veil between visible “reality” and the non-visible world becomes thinner.

During Scorpio season and the new moon in Scorpio, we also increasingly come into contact with our deep soul desires, the desires and wishes of our soul that lie dormant in our subconscious.

Scorpio New Moon: Soul Desires & Transformation Pressure

We often suppress our Scorpionic soul desires or we are ashamed of them, but we have them for a reason: our deepest desires are important indicators of what our soul wants to experience, heal and develop in this life

Our deepest desires lead us into our true power!

 Scorpio's ruler Pluto is currently spending his last days in Capricorn before finally entering Aquarius on November 19, at the end of the Scorpio season, where he will remain until 2043.

This is about deep processes of letting go of old, destructive conditioning. Old patterns may come to the surface again now - but only to be made conscious and clarified so that your true desires can be felt and recognized...

Scorpio as the gateway to your deepest desires.

At the Scorpio New Moon, Mercury in Scorpio, Neptune rx in Pisces and Mars in Cancer form a Grand Water Trine. In addition, the asteroid Goddess Vesta, who embodies a strong inwardly directed priestess energy, is conjunct the Libra South Node.

It can be important to allow yourself to withdraw at the New Moon and throughout Scorpio season to get into inner, energetic, emotional cleansing processes.

Pluto at 29° Capricorn indicates that old issues that you may have been working with for years and over entire lifetimes / incarnations” are showing up again - to be cleared, purified and cleansed. You may feel a certain pressure to transform. This is good, because NOW is the time for change:

  • What old versions of you are allowed to die now so that your true self can strengthen?

  • Which destructive patterns can be composted, transformed and converted - into new ways of living, thinking and behaving that allow you to expand and grow?

Remember: when you shed an old skin like a snake, you are raw and vulnerable at first. Even if you are feeling the pressure to transform, be loving and patient with yourself.

You may feel at the Scorpio New Moon that something deep inside you wants to be released and transformed.

You may also sense more clearly than ever before that certain issues are not YOURS and are not rooted in your experiences. Rather, they are the fears and patterns of your ancestors, the collective or your past lives. Clear yourself of these external energies. Separate yourself energetically. Let go of old burdens.


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How to get in deep contact with your desires

The more you clear yourself, the better you can see to the bottom of your soul. The more you get back to your core and shed old conditioning, chains and foreign layers, the more intensely you can feel what you are drawn to, what your soul desires, what your deepest wishes are.

 You may come into contact with desires that you have learned to suppress or that you are ashamed of. But what if you have these desires for a deeper reason? What if you're not 'too hungry' or 'shameless' at all?


  •  What if these desires and this deep soul hunger were “right”?

  • What if these desires were “divine” and pulling you in exactly the direction you are meant to go? 

  • What if your deepest desires lead you to what your soul wants to experience, develop and heal in this life?

At the New Moon in Scorpio, you can be honest with yourself and get in intimate contact with your inner self: 

What do you long for? What do you forbid yourself because it doesn't match the image you have of yourself or that others have of you?

Mars in Cancer is in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn at the New Moon

Our conscious will (Mars) and our soul desires (Pluto) are in tension with each other, but they also see each other (opposition). 

It's time to stop suppressing your deep desires and start acknowledging them. Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine to Mars in Cancer: the more secure you feel in yourself, the more courageously you can express your true desires to yourself and others.

We have been doingrelationship work” with the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra for over a year. It may be important to be (even) more honest with other people now... and you now have so much more (self-)confidence and therefore the capacity to do this than you did a year ago!

Venus in Sagittarius in opposition to Jupiter rx in Gemini is also celestial: 

Speak your truth, even if it activates or triggers others. Find loving words and be mindful, but don't belittle yourself anymore!

Diana, the goddess of our untamed nature, is closely conjunct the New Moon in Scorpio. According to myth, as a three-year-old, Diana demanded what she wanted with full of self-confidence from (her) father, the father of the gods, Jupiter. These were no small wishes! AND: Jupiter granted Diana all her wishes - immediately.

Owning our true, deep and BIG wishes and desires, admitting them to ourselves and communicating them to the universe and/or our counterpart is POWERFUL.

Not only because we are sending a signal: I take myself and my calling seriously and believe in the fulfillment of these desires.

We also put our counterpart in a “stronger” position when we say what we want from him/her. Because by making a demand, we assume that we consider the other person to be capable of fulfilling these wishes

When we say what we want, we can hold someone else accountable AND give them responsibility and power! 

Self-trust during the New Moon in Scorpio - Take Your Power Back to Yourself!

And also… on the other hand, it can be important for you to realize one thing: YOU are the source of your power. YOU can change many things and fulfill many of your wishes yourself. Maybe not on a material level, but on an energetic one. YOU can change your life from within.

You only have limited control and power over external situations. You have far more power with regard to your inner attitudes and your own behavior. 

  • What do you long for? 

  • How do you want to feel

  • What can YOU do about it? 

  • Can you put yourself in the emotional state you long for NOW?

But does coming to terms with our desires and recognizing our will also mean that we always have to express, embody or implement everything? No.

It may be that some of your desires go against your morals or would harm others. Then it may be important to find healing with professional help.

You may not (yet) have the capacity - time, energy, money, etc. - to actively tackle your desires. By the Full Moon in Taurus at the latest, you will become more aware of your capacities and feel when and where it is important to find grounding and peace in the midst of these deep, inner Scorpio processes.

Because in Taurus, we learn that we need a certain level of security in order to be able to change at all. In Taurus, we also learn to see what we already have and to recognize this as the starting point for our desires.

But now, at the Scorpio New Moon, close your eyes and turn your gaze inwards: 

What is not yours? What wants to be clarified and let go of? What do you really want and where is your soul drawn to? Which soul desires are you now ready to see clearly, acknowledge and own? 

More Soul & Soma Wisdom


Wanna dive deeper…?

Check out my new YouTube video about the New Moon and the energies of Scorpio Season!


Mars im Löwen und Mars Rückläufigkeit in Löwe + Krebs 2024/2025


TRANSFORMATION PRESSURE & DIVINE DESIRES: What does your soul want? Neumond in 9°35’ Skorpion am 1. November um 13:47h