RELEASE, (RE-)ALIGN, REBIRTH! Anchor yourself in LOVE! Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces 41’ on September 18th at 4:34 AM

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 2024: The Power of Transformation

The Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is the kick-off for the upcoming Eclipses and Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo that we will experience in 2025/26 and it is a crucial preparation for the upcoming Libra season, the Solar Eclipse in Libra, and the Full Moon in Aries.

Only when we strengthen our connection to divine, eternal, unconditional LOVE (Pisces) and have a deep sense of trust can we take more “risks” in our human relationships, show our authentic selves, and set boundaries (Aries + Libra).

Only when we view ourselves with loving eyes and have compassion for ourselves can we dare to try new things and make perceived “mistakes.”

Challenges and Opportunities: What the Lunar Eclipse Holds for Us

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse, square to Jupiter in Gemini, also indicates that we might be in conflict between the need for control (Virgo Sun) and a feeling that control is slipping away (Pisces Moon). Yet, who knows what new paths and opportunities will emerge in the coming days and weeks (Jupiter in Gemini)?

Eclipse Seasons are times of heightened and sometimes surprising transformation! Eclipses, both solar and lunar, occur in conjunction with the Lunar Nodes – symbols of our personal and collective evolution.

We are more or less (un)gently pushed into further development. Portals may open, and chapters may close. This unrest and uncertainty can be extremely exhausting for our nervous system, which wants to keep us in the familiar and “safe.”


Therefore, be especially mindful of yourself and your body during Eclipse Seasons, and remember: Everything that happens now ultimately helps you heal, dissolve old (karmic) patterns, grow, and align even more!


Preparing for Libra Season and the Solar Eclipse

We are on the “final stretch” and in the last months with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Librabefore the Lunar Nodes move into Pisces and Virgo in January 2025.

We are also in the second half of the evening star phase of the Venus Cycle in Leo. That means…

We have been working with our Leo-Aries-Libra themes for over a year: authenticity, self-leadership, visibility, self-empowerment, self-expression, following our heart’s mission, setting boundaries, saying yes to ourselves and no to others…

Slowly but surely, these learnings are taking hold. Gradually, you may feel: A new, bolder, truer self wants to grow and strengthen within you.

Perhaps on some days, you already embody your new self fully. Perhaps there are days when fear of loss and rejection takes over, and you feel “small.” We must nourish and strengthen our new, courageous, true self.

The Pisces Full Moon in conjunction with Neptune and the North Node in Aries reminds us that our inner fire, our willpower, our I AM is merely the individual expression of Source, the Divine, Creative Power.

You are a separate individual, but always connected to Source.


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Wounds and Healing During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Venus in opposition to Chiron indicates that old wounds related to separations and rejection may resurface but are now ready to heal. Even if you are experiencing conflicts in your relationships or job – you are always loved. You are always connected.

The North Node ruler Mars in Cancer stands at the Full Moon in Pisces in a square to the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra.

Here, too, water meets fire. It’s about nurturing a deep sense of security and (spiritual) LOVE within yourself so that you can be brave and show your true self.


Virgo & Pisces: The need to (not) control

The combination of fire and water and the opposition between Pisces Moon and Virgo Sun indicates a tension you might experience (internally): On one hand, you may want to step into “aligned action” and implement your Virgo New Moon intentions. You want to take planned and focused (new) steps and act in harmony with your intuition and intention. You may also feel the need to plan and control the course of things.

BUT you might notice that things aren’t quite working out as planned… Perhaps you feel that control is slipping away or that things are not going the way you wish and plan. Maybe you even doubt your own intuition and wonder WHY certain things are (not) happening.

The truth is: It’s Eclipse time. Things our ego desires and things our ego doesn’t want can happen unexpectedly.


Moreover, the Sun and Moon are also in a T-square with Jupiter in mutable Gemini:

  • Are you truly seeing all possible outcomes and paths?

  • Perhaps what you want isn’t the “best” solution?

  • Maybe there are possibilities that, although deviating from your plan, lead to greater wisdom, truth, and growth?

Sometimes, we need to go through certain (uncomfortable) experiences to be prepared: Sometimes, we need to address and heal certain issues to be ready for the next level.

Jupiter in Gemini symbolizes that in the coming days and weeks, “wonders” can happen, and your story might take a surprising turn.

The questions with Virgo and Pisces…

The Pisces question is: Do you trust yourself and life/God(dess) that everything is unfolding for your highest good?

And the Virgo question is: How can you clear and ground yourself so that you don’t lose your focus and center amidst all the unrest?

Can you feel and embody this statement…? “I want… to happen, but I don’t need… (to feel safe, loved, valuable).”

Manifesting New Realities: The Grand Earth Trine

A Grand Earth Trine between Virgo Sun, Pluto Rx in Capricorn, and Uranus Rx in Taurus signifies:

It is essential to stay grounded in your body and on Earth amidst all these fire and water energies.

Where in your body can you feel a sense of deep love and trust? How does surrender and letting go feel in your body?

The Grand Earth Trine also indicates that it is time to embody and manifest your insights. This may bring up (old, karmic) themes around self-worth, scarcity vs abundance, and your physical resources and capacities.

Time to let go…

Pisces represents the end and the beginning. It’s about cycles and letting-go processes.

  • Perhaps the Pisces Full Moon is YOUR invitation to release old, karmic, adopted issues?

  • Perhaps you have felt inferior, not enough, worthless, or lacking for long enough?

  • Maybe you have carried heavy burdens and confined yourself to unnatural roles for too long?

  • Maybe you have worked hard and sacrificed your own vitality to be “diligent and good”?

  • Perhaps these inner beliefs are not even your own but have been inherited from your ancestors…?

And perhaps NOW is the time to finally liberate yourself and root deeply… In a new sense of self-worth, self-love, self-confidence, self-sovereignty, and self-security.

Can you hear how the Pisces Full Moon lovingly whispers to you? “You are valuable, loved, and safe – just because you are. It is safe for you to trust, relax, and receive. Good things are on their way to you. Everything helps you grow. Don’t give up hope and faith in yourself and your loving guidance.”

More Soul & Soma Wisdom


RELEASE, (RE-)ALIGN, REBIRTH! Anchor yourself in LOVE! Vollmond Lunar Eclipse in 25°41’ Fische am 18. September um 4:34h


VENUS IN LIBRA - find balance in yourself